JUDICIARY Latest Features

CJ on Case Backlog Reduction Tour in Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur: The Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart M. Katureebe, was in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for a week-long bench-marking tour on Case Backlog Reduction.

The activity is hosted by the Chief Registrar's office of the Federal Court of Malaysia.

The Chief Justice, who was accompanied by Hon. Justices, Richard Buteera (SupremeCourt), Geofrey Kiryabwire (Court of Appeal), Gadenya Paul Wolimbwa (Judge Designate),Ms Rachel Odoi (Technical Advisor, Justice, Law and Order Sector), Mr Andrew Khaukha (Technical Advisor, Judiciary) and HW Boniface Wamala (Private Legal Secretary), will study the efforts of the Malaysian Judiciary to eradicate case backlog.

The Chief Justice also toured the City Court in Kuala Lumpur, the Ugandan Embassy and will also pay a courtesy call on the Chief Justice of Malaysia.

The tour is for the Chief Justice to gain first-hand experience in implementing the case backlog strategy.

The Chief Justice and his team are focusing on strengthening information management system, automation of the courts and case management.

Other areas of interest are usage of acting judges and judicial commissioners to clear case backlog, use of specialized courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution; court management reforms and performance management.

The Judiciary of Uganda has designed a Case Backlog Reduction Strategy to eliminate cases that are more than two years old from the courts.

Posted 12th, March 2018
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